HomeApologeticsFrom the Laws of Physics to Jesus Christ

From the Laws of Physics to Jesus Christ

The laws of physics are explanations of phenomenon related to the creation, substance, and maintaining of the material universe.

In order for the universe to be birthed and develop into the condition it is now, it had to be birthed according to a set of laws. Therefore, the laws of physics precede the creation of the material universe.

Since the laws of physics predate material existence, the laws of physics must be conceptual and not material. Information only comes from a mind, therefore, the laws of physics, being conceptual, can only come from a mind.

If the laws of physics predate material creation and can only come from an immaterial mind, and those laws determine the substance and phenomena of the universe, then the originating mind must predate material creation, be immaterial, be intelligent, and powerful.

God is the only being who meets the criteria of such a mind.

If God has created a universe the obeys a set of physical laws he conceived, then it is reasonable to assume that God has a purpose for material creation.

If God has created a universe capable of supporting intelligent life and able to understand these truths, then it is reasonable to assume that God wants these truths understood.

If God wants the truths of creation to be understood, then his intelligent creatures are responsible to discover these truths and to recognize God’s role in establishing them.

Man is the only known creature that meets this criteria.

If God wants man to recognize him, then it is reasonable to assume that God wants to be known by man at some level.

If God wants to be known by man, then we can expect God has established ways in which man can know him.

Communication between God and man is one possible way that man can come to know God.

Communicative avenues through which God may be known: speaking, writing, personal interaction (relationship).

The Bible is the only written record which meets all of these criteria as a written record of God speaking with, and personal interaction with man in history.

Christianity is the only religion that meets the criteria of a God that has a personal relationship with his creatures. 

God became a man in Jesus Christ in order to maximize his personal relationship with his creatures. Thus, to know Jesus Christ is to know God. 

Jesus Christ “is the image of the invisible God…for by him all things were created…all things were created through him and for him. He is before all things and in him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:15-17). Thus, Jesus Christ is the author of the laws of physics.

The laws of physics are explanations of phenomenon…

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