
prosperity gospel - search results

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Prosperity Gospel is the Socialism of Religion

Challenged by my pastor, Chuck Auschwitz of Conway Community Church in Orlando, I’d like to present a brief comparison of two world views that...

Prosperity Gospel: How We Approach The Scriptures

How do you approach the Bible? How do you know that your approach to the Bible gleans the most accurate understanding of the scripture?...

Recognizing False Prophets & Teachers

Matthew 7:15-20 What is a prophet? What does a prophet do? How do you know if I am a true teacher of the gospel or someone...

Are You Living in Laodicea?

Laodicea was a rich church as the community was a financial center in Asia Minor. Some scholars note that it was the financial capital...


Teleportation is not a Spiritual Gift

Have you heard this one? It's a relatively new claim by some in the Faith movement in the last few years, and it's a...

Abandoning Jesus

I've spent a portion of my last few years praying for and grieving for a friend who once claimed Christ as his own, but...

Pleasure Is The Noose Around Our Neck

What is going on in America? We live in a nation that kills the unborn without remorse, yet are outraged when a dentist shoots...

Four Secrets To The Spread Of Christianity

In his book, Church History In Plain Language, author Bruce Shelly gives four reasons why Christianity grew to such an extent in its early...

What Will You Give To Save The World?

It was with frustration and a bit of anger that I read an article today about a megachurch pastor in Texas, Bishop Hilliard, who...
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