HomeBible StudyCharacter Studies: Jacob & Jesus: Deception & Truth

Character Studies: Jacob & Jesus: Deception & Truth

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One of the strangest stories in the Bible is that of Abraham’s grandson, Jacob. Jacob was a man born into the promises that God gave to his father Isaac, and grandfather Abraham. God had promised these men that he would make them into a great nation, giving them the land of their wanderings as a possession forever. God promised them that He would be with them, that He would bless them, and that He would use their family and tribe to accomplish great things upon the Earth.

Before Jacob and his older twin brother Esau was born, the Lord spoke to his mother Rebekah, revealing that Jacob would be blessed by God as the pre-eminent son. Thus it was that long before Jacob could ever perform an action to earn God’s favor, that God bestowed grace upon him by preparing to set him in a favorable position. 

Though God was so gracious to Jacob as to promise him such power, as Jacob grew, he felt the need to acquire God’s blessing through deception. God still honored his promise to Jacob, but Jacob paid a terrible price as his own practice of deception was turned against him. In the process, Jacob learned about the justice and fairness of God, and why God regards truth and integrity as moral values of such paramount importance.

Jacob: Man of Deception

Jacob was taught and encouraged to be a deceiver.

(Genesis 27:1-13)

Jacob’s mother wanted to guarantee that Jacob received his father’s blessing since she favored Jacob over Esau. Rebekah served as an example to her son of what she thought was acceptable behavior in their family.

God already promised Jacob a blessing before he was born (Genesis 25:23). Why do you think what Rebekah did was wrong? 

Jacob embraced deception as a tool to get what he wanted.

(Genesis 27:14-27)

The Bible shows us that Jacob knew that he was deceiving his father. Three times his father asked him if he was truly Esau, and Jacob persisted in deceiving his father in order to steal a blessing.

Jacob was taught to lie by his mother, but the opportunity to be truthful was also before him. Why do you think he did not take advantage of that opportunity?

Jacob’s deception was turned against him.

(Genesis 29:16-30, 31:6-7) 

When Jacob joined the house of Laban to earn his bride, he discovered that Laban was an even more crafty deceiver that he was. Just as Jacob betrayed his father’s love, so too Laban used Jacob’s love for Rachel against him.

Sometimes the wrong things we do can be turned against us later. God sometimes does this so we will learn a lesson about our behavior. He wants us to reject sin, and embrace truth. Can you think of a time when your bad behavior may have caught up with you?

Jacob gave up (repented) his deceptive ways for a life of truth.

(Genesis 30:25-33) 

Jacob learned a hard lesson about deception and truth, but he learned it well, eventually turning Laban’s deceptions against him.

God promises to bless us when we live truthfully. What are some of the benefits that you can name from always being a person who lives truthfully?

Jesus: God-Man of Truth

Jesus Christ has always been a person of truth in speech, action, and life.

(John 8:46, 14:6, Hebrews 6:18)

Though Jacob, like so many of us, was a person who engaged in lying and deception, Jesus was different. Jesus is the embodiment of perfect truth. In fact the Bible teaches that it is impossible for Jesus to lie.

Since Jesus is perfect in speech, action, and life, he can teach us how to be people of truth. In what areas of your life do you need God to make you more truthful?

The Bible condemns deception and encouraged truth and integrity as the tool for great gain.

(Colossians 3:9-10)

Jacob used deception to gain what he wanted from his father. But the Bible teaches us to follow the example of Jesus Christ, and always be truthful in all things.  

What do you think you can gain by becoming a person of truth?

Jesus combated the deception of others with truth.

(John 8:31-47)

If Jesus would have been a liar, then he could have been easily dismissed as unimportant and untrustworthy. Since Jesus never lied, but always told the truth, there was nothing in His character that His enemies could use against Him. They had to resort to lying – which Jesus easily defeated with truth in words and actions.

How does building one lie upon another make things worse? Can you effectively defeat the deception of others by taking part in lying?

Jesus told others to give up deception and lying to embrace truth.

(John 16:13, Ephesians 4:25)

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will only speak the truth. The Holy Spirit will “guide you into all the truth.” The Apostle Paul commanded us to speak truth with each other at all times. Therefore, deception and truth are incompatible.

Can a person who claims to follow Jesus engage in deception and still be following Jesus correctly? How do you think others see you – as a person of truth, or someone who compromises? Would you like to become a person of truth?

Becoming People of Truth

God wants us to be like Him – people of truth.

(John 14:6-7, Colossians 3:9-10)

In the passage above, the Bible teaches that when we become people of truth, we are becoming like Jesus Christ. The first step to becoming like Jesus is to receive Him as our Savior. Do you want to receive Jesus as your Savior?

Why do you think God wants you to be a person of truth?

The Bible teaches that the love of truth is greater than material gain.

(I Timothy 6:3-6)

Notice that this passage teaches that those who are “depraved of truth” pretend to be godly thinking they will get something for it. But the same passage teaches that people who act this way deceive themselves. Only genuine truthfulness and godliness is a cause of spiritual gain.

What do you gain from God by becoming a person of truth – reputation, trustworthiness, spiritual stature? 

We can defeat deception with truth.

(Ephesians 4:14-15, I John 1:6-8)

Jacob’s deceptions lead him to flee his home and serve a dishonest man for many years. The deceptions of the Jewish leaders in the time of Christ lead many people astray. In both cases it was truth that enabled men to be saved. Jacob repented truthfully before his brother – gaining forgiveness. Jesus corrected the false teaching of the Jewish leaders, resulting in many coming to know God.

What deceptions do you think keep you from the true God and Jesus? How can speaking and living a consistent life of truth transform you?

Embracing and applying the truth of Jesus Christ to our lives will transform us.

When Jacob rejected the ways of deception his life was transformed and God truly blessed him. God gave him a new name, “Israel,” and promised him a great nation. When we realize that God is a God of truth, and embrace His Son, Jesus Christ as the embodiment of truth, God will begin transforming us, making us into people of truth.

What kind of person do you want to be? How will you become a person of truth?

Tom Terry is head of Global Broadcast Strategy for JESUS Film Project (www.jesusfilm.org) and serves as Global English Station Manager for Trans World Radio. Tom is also the author of several books, including Bible studies, and "Like An Eagle," his biography about living in Mongolia for ten years. Tom also studied theology for 18 months under Whitefield Theological Seminary.
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