HomeChristian LivingYou Don't Have To Be Useless

You Don’t Have To Be Useless

During a home Bible study I attended recently, someone asked the question, “How do I know what God has given me to use for his kingdom?”

There were a lot of answers around the room about spiritual gifts, financial resources, etc. But as I thought about it, it occurred to me that God has given us three areas of life with which we can serve him and take part in the Great Commission. All of us posses these three categories of usefulness, so, if you’ve wondered what you have in your life to serve God with, here is your answer.

God has given every Christian:
A Place
A Power, and
A Purse

Now let me briefly explain each one so you can see where these fit into your life.


This is the location where we live, or work, or educate, or take part in any variety of activities. Where we are is where God has us, and where God has us is where he needs us to be to have impact for his kingdom. So, ask yourself some questions. Do I know my neighbors? What is my relationship like with the people I work with? What associations am I a part of where I can give God a voice? What are the needs of my family and/or extended family? You can continue these questions on your own. Any place where you are is the place that God has you at the moment where you can give a voice for his kingdom.


Power, in this context, refers to abilities that we have that we can used for God’s kingdom. These may be natural abilities or supernatural abilities, otherwise known as spiritual gifts. Do you want to know what your gift is? First ask yourself, what motivates you? Do you like to share your testimony? If so, act as an evangelist. Do you like doing things for people, fixing things, serving other people’s needs? Then do so with gusto, always ready to use whatever opportunities you may have as a witness for who Christ is.

Every believer in Jesus has a power, whether a natural ability you were born with, or an ability you acquired through education, training, or experience, and a spiritual gift that God wants to use for the Great Commission. In your place, use your power.


Automatically, you may think of financial resources. This is true. We all have some level of financial resources to use for the kingdom. Maybe you are wealthy but have never considered using your wealth to fund ministry projects, or missionaries. You financial resources can multiply with others to have a big impact for the Great Commission. Think of how many people’s lives can be changed for eternity through your resources. 

Do you have little money? You can still give. The widow put in two mites—minuscule—but it was all she had and Jesus praised her for it. Certainly, you have more.

But the purse goes beyond cash. We have other assets that can help fulfill the Great Commission. Perhaps you have a home suited for hosting evangelistic Bible studies. You don’t need much. Just a room, some chairs, a Bible, and a heart to help people learn about Jesus.

Maybe you have physical resources that can help others, like tools for a building project or renovation. A car to shuttle people to church or to transport the homeless to a shelter. Whatever physical or financial resources you have, you have something that you can give to help fulfill the Great Commission. So, in your place, use your power, with your resources.

It doesn’t matter if you start small or go big. Everyone, everyone, has a place, a power, and a purse that can be used by God for his kingdom. And the reward you will receive will be a place in Heaven, with the power to enjoy it, and a purse in Heaven that Jesus says will never wear out.

Do you want to be useful? Pray first, then get up and start at it, and see God begin to work through your life to change the lives of others.

Tom Terry is head of Global Broadcast Strategy for JESUS Film Project (www.jesusfilm.org) and serves as Global English Station Manager for Trans World Radio. Tom is also the author of several books, including Bible studies, and "Like An Eagle," his biography about living in Mongolia for ten years. Tom also studied theology for 18 months under Whitefield Theological Seminary.
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