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Hard Things: Judgment & Killing Babies

Q: Why did God order Israel to kill the babies of its enemies?  This is one of the most difficult questions a person can ever...

The Importance of Internal Evidence For The Divine Authorship of The Scripture

Introduction In the Christian experience, there are many things from the Bible that challenge the believer regarding his faith in Christ. In the modern age,...


Like An Eagle Paperback | Kindle Like An Eagle is a biographical account of my ten years in Mongolia with Eagle Television. Eagle TV was Mongolia’s...

The Importance of History in Theological Study

Abstract When one reads the Bible, one is reading a grouping of accounts about the ancient history of Israel. This includes the history of the...

The Stages of Spiritual Growth: Becoming a Spiritual Father

The ultimate goal of the Christian life is to become just like Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29). John the Apostle referred to those who had...

The Stages of Spiritual Growth: Spiritual Children

Just as every person grows from physical childhood to maturity, so too those who come to know Jesus Christ must grow from spiritual immaturity...

How To Study The Bible

Download a formatted PDF file of this study below. Studying the Bible provides the best way for a Christian to understand and apply God’s principles...

Is What You Believe The Real Deal? Are You Sure?

I stood before a class of university journalism students in Mongolia to talk with them about journalism and truth. A smaller group, about five...

Christian Media: Is It Really Christian Without The Gospel?

What does it mean to share the Gospel of Christ? Have you given much thought to that? If you were talking with an unbelieving...

Would Jesus Go For The Headshot?

I recently repurchased, at a very low rate, a couple of old PC games that I used to play years ago. The games were...
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