HomeBible StudyCharacter Studies: Abraham & Jesus

Character Studies: Abraham & Jesus

The Promised Son, Savior, and Salvation

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Abraham is unique in the entire Bible. While there are passages of the Bible before Abraham’s time that we can look to and see a prophecy about Jesus Christ, or receive a hint about God’s plan – it is through Abraham that we begin to understand its true scope and nature.

It is also from Abraham that we first learn that God cares more about the heart of man than he does about following a prescribed set of rules and regulations. Key to understanding Abraham’s life and its effect on us is a simple phrase in Genesis 15: 6, “And He [Abraham] believed in the Lord, and He reckoned it to him as righteousness.”

By this time Abraham already had a track record with God. He had led his family from their home to a land God promised would be his. While there God protected him from many trials, including the craftiness of those who sought to take advantage of him, or kill him. Therefore, when God spoke to Abraham in Genesis 15, promising him a son and nation, Abraham considered what God had already done for him, and simply took Him at His word. This is the essence of faith – believing God.            This study will take you through the promise made to Abraham that started a family, built a nation, and lead to the Savior of mankind, Jesus Christ.

The Key Promises of Abraham’s Life

Read: Genesis 15:1-6

The Promised Son

(Genesis 15:4, 17:16, 18:14)

To ancient cultures, especially nomadic ones, family is the most important part of life. Abraham lived many years without a family. Though God promised him land, and to be with him, Abraham’s heart still yearned for family. How did the promise of having a son change Abraham’s perspective, and his pursuits in life?

The Promised Kingdom

(Genesis 12:2, 22:17)

The promise to Abraham of a kingdom was something more than power, land, or authority. Specifically, God promised Abraham that through him, all nations of the earth would be blessed. Think carefully about the meaning of those words. How is the promise of blessing the world related to the first promise of a son?

The Promised Future

(Genesis 22:16-18) 

It is clear from reading most passages about the promises to Abraham that the promises were for the future – beyond Abraham’s lifetime. What advantages were there to Abraham if the promises were not for his lifetime? Since Abraham held fast to the promises of God, knowing he would not see their fulfillment in his lifetime, what does that tell you about his character?

Discuss or Write your personal reflections

  1. Abraham had no written Bible, only a few instances of God speaking to him, yet he kept faith with God. We have many thousands of God’s words in the Bible. In light of this, comment on our responsibility to God.
  2. What promises has God given us in the Bible that we must hold onto? Examples?

Jesus is the Key to Unlocking God’s Promises

Read: Galatians 3:16, 29, 4:27-28

            Jesus is the Promised Son

(Galatians 3:16)

Isaac was the first part of God’s promise, but the real fulfillment of all of His promises to Abraham would come in Jesus.

Look carefully at what God promised Abraham in Genesis 22:16-18. How does Jesus fulfill each item or condition in the promise?

Jesus is the King of the Promised Kingdom

(Compare Genesis 28:14; Psalm 2:7-9 and Romans 4:13)

If all nations of the earth are to be blessed through Abraham’s offspring (Israel and Jesus) then what does that tell you about the importance God placed on Abraham’s descendents? What does that tell you about our importance to the coming of Jesus?

            The Promised Future Begins Now

(Galatians 3:28-29)

God began the process of fulfilling His promise to Abraham during Abraham’s lifetime. It unfolded over thousands of years to culminate in Jesus and His church. Paul says we partake of this promise in Jesus Christ.

How did Jesus fulfill God’s promises? How do we partake in these promises?

Discuss or write your personal reflections:

  1. If a person rejects Jesus Christ, what part of God’s promise applies to him or her?
  2. How do you think you can guarantee that God’s promise to Abraham, through Jesus, becomes real in your life?

Unlocking God’s Promises through Jesus

If Jesus is the key to unlocking God’s promises to Abraham, then we have a door of opportunity before us. What is that opportunity?

            Receiving Jesus Makes you a Son

            (John 1:12, Romans 8:15-16)

If Jesus is the promised Son, and receiving Jesus initiates our adoption by God as sons, then we are part of God’s family. What does this tell us about what God intends to do with the promises He made through Abraham and Jesus? What role do you have in God’s promises as an adopted son?

            Receiving Jesus Brings Us into the Kingdom

(John 3:3, 16)

If we are part of God’s kingdom, then God’s promise for all nations to be blessed through Jesus also applies to us. How do Christians manifest God’s blessing in their nations? 

            Receiving Jesus Initiates our New Future

(John 1:12, II Corinthians 5:17)

When Abraham received God’s promise his life was changed forever. When Jesus was born, the fate of the world changed forever. When we receive Jesus, we receive God’s promises and our lives change forever. What kind of future did God promise us through Jesus? How does this change your life?


A – Action Point

What will I do in light of what I have learned?

C – Commune (prayer)

What will I commit to God and ask Him for to help me put what I have learned into action?

T – Tell Others

What kinds of things can I say or do to others to demonstrate the biblical truth I have learned?

Tom Terry is head of Global Broadcast Strategy for JESUS Film Project (www.jesusfilm.org) and serves as Global English Station Manager for Trans World Radio. Tom is also the author of several books, including Bible studies, and "Like An Eagle," his biography about living in Mongolia for ten years. Tom also studied theology for 18 months under Whitefield Theological Seminary.
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